Thursday, November 17, 2011

Time to Let It Be and Let Go

"And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree,
there will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see,
there will be an answer. let it be. "

Letting go of things you don't have control over takes a lot of courage and strength.
Letting go of not having a job—much like millions of other Americans right now— is definitely a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.

The dictionary defines let as: to allow or permit; to allow to pass, go, or come
The dictionary defines go as: to move or proceed, especially to or from something; to leave a place; to keep or be in motion; to continue in a certain state or condition.

"To allow or permit it to pass." I am without a job right now because my husband and I decided to move to Seattle for a better opportunity for him—and we couldn't be more happier or grateful for that opportunity. So in that perspective, I do have to allow it to pass, but it doesn't make it easier. It has been about five months since I haven't had a full-time job. It's scary and depressing some times. But I'm allowing it to pass right now because I don't have any other option—or job offer.

"To more or proceed, especially to or from something." This meaning gives me a little more hope and courage. In order to overcome something you have to move on and away from it. Not having a job is an unfortunate situation. What am I doing to move on and pass it? I have done a freelance PR job for NYP that opened a new location in Queen Anne. That gave me hope. I was doing something that I excelled at and had great results. I am job searching everyday. It's not easy. Job searching is like having a full-time job. I can't even count the number of jobs I continue to apply for. That's when the waiting game sets in.

That's when it starts sinking in: I wasn't qualified for that job. There are so many other people out there that have more experience and better qualifications then me. Why did I even apply? I don't have a chance. My resume sucks. Yep, pretty much every question you can think of, I have asked and doubted my self. But that's all you can do. You have to be patient and wait. So, I am.

I continue to network everyday and all day. I'm working on my health website to get that up and going so I can start to get clients. Moving and proceeding, right?

Letting go is not easy. It's not something we want to do. Change can be scary—or great—however you look at it. But I am determined not to let this get me down. Letting go is just part of this little thing we call life. If life wants to throw this in my face. Then all I have to say is screw you. I've had to let go before and I will let go now. When I know I'm doing the best I can and everything I can to make each day counts, then that's all that matters.

Every challenge in life comes with an opportunity—whether you see it in the beginning or not. You have to want to change and make things happen. That's how I'm handling this no-job-no-second-income-kinda-bored-and-depressed-need-a-job-ASAP kind of feeling.

I know I have the experience, the qualifications, the background—and an awesome resume—to back it up. I will and continue to turn this challenge into great opportunities. Sometimes it takes you to write down what it is you're doing through and how you're going to change. Defining the words let go, really helped me in more ways than one. I know what it is I am going through and I know how I'm going to get through it. I do have the courage and strength to let it be, let go and let God.

This post was written as part of NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days:

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