Today's prompt: Pick someone else’s post (from the past or from today) and write a comment to them. Write that comment as your blog post for today. Link back to them to let them know you were inspired.
I found this blog post and was inspired.
To Everyday Wishes: I would like to think that I live with grace while overcoming difficult decisions too. We are always going to come across challenges in life and it's how we handle those situations that make us the people we are today—grace under pressure and everything in between.
You most certainly are right that you aren't the only person having a bad and you're not alone. No one is perfect and if they make it seem that way then everyone knows it's a lie anyway :) All we can do is try to be best person we can be and help those around us. Just because you have a bad day, see someone who may not have perfect skin or looks different from you, doesn't give them the right to treat them different.
Living with psoriasis, an incurable, auto-immune disease that appears as red, scaly patches on the skin, has been really hard. The initial diagnosis was hard. But years later, I am now a mentor with the NPF and feel like that is my way of giving back, helping people when I can and having a little bit of grace while doing it.
I hope we all can make a little change and have a little grace under pressure—thanks for the reminder.
This post was written as part of NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days: http://bit.ly/vU0g9J
What a great response! You're absolutely right that we can often improve our situation by changing our attitude. You put it so well! Thrilled to hear that you're putting your experience to good use by mentoring. What an inspiration!
I appreciate the kind words!