The Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge
Write about something that gets you down, burns you out, or makes you sad. Purge it in a blog post.
Turn it around at the end. Tell Tuesday why you’re ready for it.
Let's see. Things that get me down: The fact that I don't have a full-time job right now. My husband has a great good job and he loves it. I do freelance PR and I had a really great project recently doing all the PR for a new restaurant that just opened up. I loved it! I felt so energized getting up everyday and working on this new project.
Now, I'm back to square one. When I think about the fact that I can't help contribute to our marriage, financially, and at a steady rate, it gets to me. I know things could always be worse. But it's like Chris and I keep getting things thrown at us and we're really not ready for it. Doctors bills that should've been covered by the insurance but weren't; expensive rent; bills; pet bills; car insurance, etc. Yes, bills that everyone has, but probably on two incomes. So we're trying to cut back where we can and hopefully get our savings back up to where it was before we moved here.
That's the major thing that gets me down. Smaller things: not seeing my family and friends as often as I would like; not working out when I should; not reading as much as I would like; driving around a new city not knowing the back streets; traffic; construction; our loud neighbors; my psoriasis.
Now, on to Tuesday. Bring it. I have pretty much been stressed to my max, so I'm ready to take you on like no other. I am actively looking for and applying for jobs which will eventually lead to me getting a job and making a steady income—fingers crossed. Cmon awesome company that wants to hire me! Chris and I are also setting a weekly budget for ourselves to make sure we stay afloat and on top of all financial things.
I always take things one day at a time and try not to stress out while doing it. I am always thankful for the wonderful husband I have who I am able to come home to (well, he is able to come home to me) and thankful for the life we have together. That's all you can do, is to be thankful. So bring it Tuesday, I am thankful for everything.
This post was written as part of NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days: http://bit.ly/vU0g9J
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