Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Best Of

Best of. How do you just choose a best of from your posts, blogs, or work? What I consider my best may be different from what others consider my best. But nonetheless I knew which post I wanted to choose as my best.

I can write everyday about what Chris and I are doing here in Seattle, how the job search is going, new people we meet, etc. But I always try to make sure to put some encouraging words in my post no matter what I talk about. Whether it be for my psoriasis mentee's I help, my friends, health advice or just some encouraging words. So when I read this poem and post, I knew it had to be shared again.

I love it because it reminds us to just slow down in life, which I don't think a lot of people know how to do. Just remember that no matter what we are doing, what we go through, our jobs, the fights, the traffic, the deadlines, the job searching, trying to find forgiveness, stress, exercising, waking up early, the hot and cold weather—we have to always TAKE TIME. Take time be patient, be thankful for what we have and the people around us. I am every day. I hope this speaks to you as much as it does to me. What poem is your go-to poem or one that must be shared?


Last month, we had some friends from Maui stay with us last minute due to some unforeseen family drama on their families part. Chris and I were glad we were able to be there for them and that they felt close enough to call us.

Before they left, Karen (whom I used to work with at The Grand) left me with a poem that hit home on way too many levels.

Last weekend made me realize that no matter how young or old you are, whether you're still in high school or not, whether it's work, home, friends or family drama—EVERYONE has it. But we have to make sure to take time for the special things in life, 12 things to sum it up. And always be grateful for the days we have with our family and friends, drama or not.

1. Take time to dream .... it hitches your soul to the stars.

2. Take time to work .... it is the price of success.

3. Take time to think ... it is the source of power.

4. Take time to play ... it is the secret of youth.

5. Take time to read ... it is the foundation of knowledge.

6. Take time to worship .... it is the highway of reverence and washes the dust from your eyes.

7. Take time to help and enjoy friends ... it is the source of happiness.

8. Take time to love ... it is the one sacrament of life.

9. Take time to laugh .... it helps with life's loads.

10 Take time for beauty ... it is everywhere in nature.

11. Take time for health .... it is the true treasure of life.

12. Take time to plan .... it is the secret of being able to have time to take time for the first eleven things.

— Author Unknown

This post was written as part of NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days:

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