What happens after you press “publish.” Write about your post-blog-writing process. Do you immediately tweet a link? Email it to everyone? Re-read it for spelling errors?
In this digital day and age, you can't ever be too careful. When everything you say or do is recorded and posted online via blogs, Twitter, Facbeook, Youtube, etc.
After everything I write, I ALWAYS spell check. Be it the "PR and AP style" writer in me, my mother's voice or just my self saying there's always a mistake somewhere.
After the spell check, yes, I definitely Tweet it and post to Facebook. I love sharing what I write to everyone I know and hopefully to people I don't. Maybe someone out there gets a giggle or a thoughtful insight from what I write.

No matter how your day goes, how many people you talk to, the person you come home to or the people in your life—there should always be time for yourself.
Writing is so therapeutic. There is always so much on my mind, which some times keeps me up at night. I think we're all guilty of that. So writing it down just makes it a little easier to deal with.
Whether you blog, spell check, tweet, Facebook post or Youtube upload, write down what you're thinking. You never know how much it helps or whose face it will put a smile on to make their crappy day a little better.
This post was written as part of NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days: http://bit.ly/vU0g9J
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