Photo by Jenny Poole.
DISCLAIMER: Ekphrasis post. Ekphrasis (writing about another art form). I chose to free write about a photo of Paris—and I have not edited—so don't judge that!
Paris. Effiel tower. Romance. Fashion. Food. Wine. Lights. Luxury hotels. Gondola rides. Chateaus. Culture.
I could go on and on. Those are some of the many things I have thought about when I think about traveling to Paris. It is definitely one of the things on my bucket list I have yet to cross off. As much as I love traveling, there are so many places I have yet to see. Chris and I also have a plan to backpack Europe some time. Save up and take off a month and just go with out an agenda, schedule or deadlines and see what else is out there.
That is one of the main reasons we took the job and moved to Maui and then Seattle. We don't have kids yet, no mortgage. Now is the time to see the world, and travel and live in different places. Before I get hate mail sent to me, I'm not saying you can't travel if you have kids. But it is just a completely different experience. Chris and I are doing this for US. Just us two. No one else. And it has been the best experience we have done so far. Paris is just another thing we are going to do together.
Living in these different places has given me a sense of wanting to see how much more is out there and experience it while I can. You're only young once so why not now? We have our health and his job we are thankful for; a roof over our head; a car; food on the table every day. Make the most out of where you are. Even if you can't get to Maui or Paris, make the most out of where you live. I'm pretty sure you haven't done everything in your city. And no, it doesn't have to cost a penny. Google is your best friend. Google "free things to do in your city" and I bet there will be so many things you never even thought of doing. That's what living is about. Making the most out of your day with the people you love. I couldn't imaging navigating through life without Chris, my family and friends.
Argentina. Canada. Jamaica. Mexico.
Check. Check. Check. Check.
I can't wait to add another place to that list. Since Chris has never been out of the country—till we recently went to Canada—I can't wait to experience the rest of what this life has to offer us together. It's always great to have a goal. Once you reach it, cross it off and never look back! Then start aspiring towards another one. Paris—granted, is a while away—but it's still something Chris and I have planned in our future. For now, we are happy living and exploring the Emerald City.
You never know what life is going to give you but as along as you are happy then that all that matters.
This post was written as part of NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days: http://bit.ly/vU0g9J
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