We found out today that my mother, who has undergone intensive chemotherapy for Uterine Cancer, is DONE WITH CHEMO!!!!!!!! She has been strong throughout this entire process and hasn't had a self pity day at all. Lot's of people would be down in their life and completely depressed. But not my mother. She is the happiest person you will meet, even through this. I think her family has a lot to do with it, if I may say so myself :)
I honestly have looked up to my mother my entire life, and why not? She is the strongest woman I know and I can only hope I am and will be as strong and caring as she is. Her and my dad have always supported everything my sister, brother and I have wanted to do. They have been married 28 years and couldn't be happier. All my strength for my self, how I view things in life and my relationship with Christopher comes from them.
I am a big believer that prayer is a very strong and powerful thing. My strong faith also comes from my parents. Chris and I have prayed and continue to pray for my mom throughout this entire process as well as my dad and his parents and those closest to us.
Take notice of those who you consider a strong, influential person in your life and continue to pray for them or hold them close to your hearts. They will continue to inspire you each and everyday, just like my parents do. A simple "Thank you" goes a long way. Have you thanked your favorite person today?
I know I do everyday.
Like I tell my mother everyday:
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