This weekend wasn't as jam-packed as last weekend but still exciting.
Friday we decided to see Iron Man 2. Yea, I know not a very "Hawaiian" thing to do, but it was soooo worth it. This movie was excellent. A lot of people say that the second one is never as good as the first one, I beg to differ. This one was just a good, if not better. I don't need to tell you how much Chris liked it either.
Saturday, we went hiking at La Perouse. The views were spectacular, as you can tell by the photos.
I still wanted to get some beach time in. Chris keeps saying that I could just live at the beach if I could. I probably would. It's so relaxing. This time we went to Polo Beach, since we hadn't been there before. So far, I think this is my favorite beach. It was like 12:30 p.m. and it wasn't that packed at all nor was it windy. We set up our beach chairs, got our sunscreen on and..... just relaxed. Chris of course took a little catnap. I read the current book I'm reading Nine Rooms of Happiness - look for upcoming blogs on this wonderful and inspiring book. We talked, relaxed some more and relished in the sunny air. Our day was still not done.
Chris later took us back to Makena, where we had our engagement photos shot, to watch the sunset and drink some wine. It was kind of like a mini celebration of our anniversary of being together for three years.
Sunday ended up being our cleaning/working out/lazy day. The place needed a good clean; we need a good run and then just time to do nothing. Normally we're running into town to take care of errands. It was nice to do something different and not worry about having to get things done. Not only did we clean our place but we took care of ourselves too with a run. We are running every other day now and it's great! If you do anything with your significant other then get out, enjoy the fresh air and run or walk. It will be great for y'all not only physically but emotionally too.
Another amazing weekend in Maui down. Yea, we could pretty much do this for awhile.
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