From Houston to Maui to Seattle: Enjoy Adventures, Stories, Thoughts, Fashion Trends, Healthy Lifestyle Advice and take the world on with me—and my husband—every step of the way
Friday, December 24, 2010
Dedicated to the Wonderful People in My Life
Monday, December 13, 2010
Study: Women are Unhealthier Than Ever

"Overall, the nation is still so far from the Healthy People and related goals that it receives a grade of 'Unsatisfactory'," the report said. "In none do women enjoy overall satisfactory health status."
Yep. that would catch my eye, too. But the question is what are we as women doing to keep being healthy? A lot of women, people, for that matter may think it takes a lot or "I just don't have the time" to be healthy. Which is completely false. All it takes is a little bit a knowledge and a want to continue to live a healthy lifestyle.
Click here to read the article more in depth.
Test: "Making the Grade on Women’s Health: A National and State-by-State Report Card"
Major points:
- More women are obese, diabetic, and suffering from hypertension than they were in 2007. - More women are testing positive for chlamydia (which can lead to infertility) - Fewer are being checked for ovarian cancer, and more are admitting that they've had five or more drinks in one go within the last month. - Part of the problem, the report points out, is that nearly 1 in 5 women between the ages of 18 and 64 are uninsured, and it's difficult to get adequate care without health insurance.
What have you done today to be healthy? When was the last time you went to the OBGYN or general doctor for a yearly exam? When was the last time your mother or sister or best friend went?
Your health comes first. If we're not healthy, then we can't take care of those around us who may need more help then we do. Continue to live your life and be healthy!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Healthy Holiday Food Guide
Mixed Nuts or Olives? PORTION CONTROL
Olives - have the healthy monounsaturated fats like olive oil, which help lower cholesterol.
Nuts - also high in monounsaturated fats and a good source of fiber.
Soft or hard cheese?
Though all cheese is high in fat, soft cheese tends to have less fat and fewer calories. A one-ounce serving of Brie(soft) contains about 94 calories; while one ounce of Gruyere(hard) has 117 calories
Thursday, December 2, 2010
PR and Special Events Coordinator at Your Service

Currently, I am a Public Relations and Special Events Coordinator whom recently partnered with my husband Chris Skiles, award-winning Art Director for MauiTime to bring my PR and Marketing expertise to lucky11studios.
While working as the PR and Special Events Coordinator for Pennino and Partners, a PR agency in Texas, I coordinated all social media marketing efforts for WorldFest Houston International Film Festival, significantly increasing audience attendance and implementing their first social media campaign which is still in use today.
My first project with CORESTAFF Services, I secured media coverage with major news outlets including ABC, Associated Press, BBC, Bloomberg Business News, BusinessWeek, CNN, National Public Radio, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and many other local and national business media outlets. I also assisted them in achieving their media outreach goals by 100 percent.
My experience also includes public relations and media writing; social media marketing; securing on-screen media appearances for clients; developing marketing materials for publicity programs; client sponsorships and recruitment; planning, staffing and hosting media at events; planning special events; building relationships with reporters and pitching major news outlets.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
First Sunday of Advent

Today marks the first Sunday of Adent. Advent is a perfect time to pray and invite Jesus into our lives - it's the weeks leading up to Christmas and Christ's day of birth. The joy of Christmas is not the same as the happiness we might experience giving and receiving presents, gathering with family and friends for special meals or listening or our favorite carols and hymns. "The wonder and the joy of Christmas is knowing our Savior came to free us from sin and death, so that we might have a share of the very life of God, now and forever. "
101 Best Things To Do To Your Body
Thursday, November 18, 2010
One Year Ago
November 11 marked one year since I have been at the hotel. I am thankful to have a job right now and grateful for the many people I am meeting. I have realized that I like the hospitality industry a lot. But that comes as no surprise to me, because I love being around people and feel comfortable interacting with high-level clients as well as guests at the hotel. There have been some highs and lows, but I am proud of the way I have been handling things. It shows a lot about my character, the strength I have and that you must have a thick skin to work in this industry - that's probably true for most any job out there.
Chris and I had no idea we were going to be moving out here in the short amount of time that it happened. We had goals for ourselves when we moved here, and I'm proud to say we have accomplished most all of them. One was getting me a full-time PR job. We quickly realized that wasn't going to be an option here. As most of the job opportunities here are with the resorts, and there are no PR agencies here - I don't even think people here know the meaning of PR/marketing. It can be a hard concept to grasp :) I am thankful for the background I have and the amazing mentor I had, Laura Pennino of Pennino and Partners. I wouldn't be as confident in my PR background if it wasn't for her and her amazing leadership role she took with me.
But I have lots of exciting ideas and hopefully some new projects in the works. So stay tune and we look forward to what God as planned for us next.
Where were you a year ago today and have you completed the goals you set out for yourself?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My Eating and Diet Regime

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
10 Foods for a Longer Life

I have eaten almost all of these on a daily basis. Something I would like to increase in our diet and healthy lifestyle is eating more grapefruit. My dad use to have grapefruit ready for us every other day when we were little and I LOVED it! That is one food I will be re-introducing to our diet to reap all the wonderful rewards! Read on for a list of the foods everyone should be eating every day:
Friday, October 29, 2010
Life Isn't as Serious as Our Mind Makes it Out To Be

I am reading a great new book right now called "A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" by the talented Eckhart Tolle.
Honestly, it was really hard to get into at first. He dives right into talking about the message behind the book, how to get the best use out of the book, etc. I'm not a big fan when authors do that- just let me get to the point myself.
It is when he starts writing about Ego: The Current State of Humanity in which I can't put the book down. I will be highlighting certain parts and quotations that speak to me as I read the book. I will put my opinion on some but there others that are strong enough to stand on it's own. I do this for my sake but also because when I find a new book that I enjoy reading, I want others to know about it. If It speaks to me, then it may speak to others.
"Every ego confuses opinions and viewpoints with facts, it cant tell the difference between an event and it's reaction to that event. Only through awareness-not through thinking- can you differentiate between fact and opinion. Only through awareness are you able to see."
"Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and whatever you resist, persists." This one is my favorite and speaks to me the most.
"life isn't as serious as our mind makes it out to be"
"Thinking is only a tiny aspect of the consciousness that we are."
"Words, no matter whether they are vocalized and made into sounds or remain unspoken as thoughts, can cast an almost hypnotic spell on you... You easily lose yourself in them, become hypnotized into implicitly believing that when you have attached a word to something, you know that it is." This rang true to me because of the emphasis we all put on words. Especially now with the hot button issue of bullying. On a daily average 160,000 children miss school because they fear they will be bullied if they attend classes.On a monthly average 282,000 students are physically attacked by a bully each month. Since Social
Networking has taken over, bullying has become something else.
I don't know what gives kids the right to say cruel things to others. It has a lot to do with parents. So if you are one, don't gossip first of all and don't do it in front of your kids. They learn it from some where and you have to be the ones to teach our kids what's right.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Do You Still Need Date Night Out?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
We Got Married!!!!!

Wow, with out realizing it, it has been about a month since I last wrote on my blog. I was a little busy getting.... MARRIED!!!!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Im Hoooommmmmmeee!
1. Had my first dress fitting
2. Found white shoes and earrings
3. Mom found her beautiful dress!
4. Dad and bro got fitted for their tux/suit
5. Met with the venue coordinator to finalize floor plans, cake design and food
6. Met with DJ to finalize play list
7. Met with florist to finalize all flowers (I have the best florist ever! Flowers by Lois)
8. Bought my dresses for: bridal shower, rehearsal and bachelorette party
9. Attended my awesome bridal shower!!
10. Picked up gifts for flower girl and others
Wheeewwwww!!! That's a lot of stuff in a week and a half! And I'm still not done.
1. Started with the seating chart- that has to be one of the most stressful thing EVER!
2. Attend my final dress fitting next Sat
3. Hopefully get my bridal portraits taken
4. Do a trial run with my hair stylist and makeup artist
5. Find my sister and BM's their shoes!!
6. Attend bachelorette party!
7... and so much more.
It has been a little stressful but so great being back and seeing everyone, especially spending time with my family and staying with my sister! It's hard being away from friends and family especially since both Chris and I are big family people. I already knew I was lucky to have the family and friends that I do, but being here with everyone makes me feel even more lucky and blessed to have such amazing people in my life.
I have even had time to go to a UH football game with my sister, her boyfriend, my bro and sister in law; shopping with my mom and sister(what we do best!); have some lunch/coffee dates with my BM's; shoe shopping with my sister in law; hang out with friends at Sawyer Park (awesome place!); met and got marriage advice from Houston Rocket's Shane Battier! So it hasn't been bad!
My parents have made me into the woman that I am; my sister and brother take care of me even when I don't have to tell them; my amazing friends keep me grounded; my fiance keeps me wanting to be a better woman and wife :) for him. I couldn't ask for a better life!
Thank you to everyone who makes a difference in my life and keeps me sane :) Bear with me through this "emotional, stressful" and happy time of me and Chris' life before we start our life together as husband and wife. We couldn't do it without you!
Monday, September 13, 2010
My Mother
I always say, God doesn't give us anything we can't handle. I truly believe that. If my mother can get through the last round, she can get through this, and anything else - especially raising twins and an older brother! She has many great things to look forward to and be healthy for. God is just making sure she is in excellent condition :)
My parents are, of course, a big part of my life. They are the reason I would eventually like to go back to school to get a degree or nutrition certificate to be a certified nutritionist. It's really easy to adopt a healthy lifestyle and I want to be able to teach that to other people. My parents inspire me to do better things and I can only hope that I will make them proud in the process.
If you, a family member or someone you know is going through a hard trial in their life facing cancer, a tough pregnancy, a serious injury, loss of a close one etc, take a few moments out of your day to let them know that you are thinking about them and wish them well. Thoughts and prayers go a long way.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Top Five List of Things I Hate While Traveling

On my recent trip from Maui to Houston, I continued to notice many things I hate while traveling. And it didn't just happen on this trip, but happens EVERY time I get on a flight.
1. If you have an extra seat, hell, if you have two extra seats, don't be a selfish person and share. You don't really have a back problem and you didn't purchase all three seats.
2. If you have a family, obviously you know you're going to want to sit together, so PURCHASE your tickets together. Even if they don't have it at the time, make it happen. Trust me, it can happen. I've done it. Speak to manager and they will make it happen.
3. Bringing food on the plane. It doesn't matter if you like a Caesar Salad or a Curry Chicken sandwich, the person sitting next to you and the people around you, can't stand the smell. So please don't for the sake of those around you.
4. When the plane lands, everyone doesn't need to hurry up and stand up. It's a plane we're all getting off. You don't have to rush and make it miserable for everyone else.
5. When waiting for your luggage at baggage claim, you all don't need to crowd around at the exact same place. It's a circle, it all comes back around. Please don't stand right next to me or in
front of me if I'm already there.
These were just the five major things I noticed. I'm sure I'll add more. Feel free to comment and add what you have noticed that frustrates you.
Hope you don't have to deal with any of this.
To The Selfish Lady on the Plane With Me

Dear Selfish Lady on the plane who has three seats to yourself,
I understand a family got separated and because of that I have to get the result of a lady sitting next to the empty seat next to me. You have three seats to yourself. When we asked you if one of us could come and seat over there you said "I have a back problem, I'm gonna use all three of them." Sorry bia, this is an 8 hour flight, we all have "back problems" and would like three seats to ourselves. Of course, I call the flight attendant over and she says that no, she didn't purchase those three seats so anyone can seat there. When I asked the lady next to me if she wouldn't mind moving, because this was MY seat and I would like to stay here, she looks to the flight attendant and says "I don't want to sit over there because of that negative energy from her." Are you freakin kidding me! Because this stupid lady thought energy really matter, didn't get off her Euro-trash butt and move over there. I wasn't going to move because this was my seat and I wanted to stay by the window and have that one. I even told her that if she moved we could all have more room, she was stupid enough to say "I don't care about more room" Who doesn't care about more room on an 8 hour flight? So because this ignorant lady wouldn't move, the selfish bia had three seats to her self and we had to be cramped in our little seat.
Please don't be selfish. Share your luck (the fact that you got three seats to yourself) with others who aren't quite as fortunate as you. Oh, but don't you worry, you will get what's coming to you.
The airplane passenger knowing Karma is coming for you
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Psoriasis Doesn't Define How I Live My Life
I define how I live my life.
Sure, psoriasis can be irritating, itchy, annoying and embarrassing
But why wouldn't we want to find a way to live our life without having to worry about what we have to wear next.
Psoriasis wont define how I live my life, I define how I live my life.
Life and daily activities can cause stress; Stress can cause a flare up; psoriasis can cause stress
Lets find a way to end this never-ending circle.
Psoriasis doesn't define how I live my life, I define how I live my life.
We need support and funding from local leaders, representatives and mayors.
Let's show them and the world that "psoriasis is a serious health issue—one that demands more national attention, research dollars and public understanding."
Psoriasis wont define how I live my life, I define how I live my life
Life is about loving the gifts we're given, the obstacles we over come, the milestones we reach, being confident about who we are and the impact we have on this world.
Psoriasis is only a little speed bump in the game of life.
Psoriasis doesn't define how I live my life, I define how I live my life
Monday, August 23, 2010
46 Days To Till I Am a Married Woman
Instead of a list of what I needs to be done (because pretty much everything is done!), here is a list of what is left to do:
1. Fly home (Sept 8)
2. Dress fitting (Sept 11)
3. Bridal shower (Sept 18)
4. Bachelorette party (all my sisters doing, she wont tell me anything!)
5. Buy shoes: white for the ceremony, and red for the reception
6. Schedule an appt with my stylist and MUA to go over hairstyles and makeup
7. Meet with florist
8. Meet with venue coordinator to go over final floor plan and details
9. Show the future-in-laws the ceremony and reception venue
10. Finalized music details
I'm sure I will come up with more, but for now this is a good list. And I am super excited to get everything done - and of course spend time with my family!
Words can not express how excited I am for this amazing chapter of my life to begin with the most amazing man in the world.
47 days and counting!!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
August is National Psoriasis Awareness Month

I am so glad to learn that August (my birthday month) is National Psoriasis Month. For those who don't know here is a little breakdown as to what Psoriasis is from (to learn more!)
Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune disease that appears on the skin. It occurs when the immune system sends out faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle of skin cells. Psoriasis is not contagious.
There are five types of psoriasis: plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular and erythrodermic. The most common form, plaque psoriasis, appears as raised, red patches or lesions covered with a silvery white buildup of dead skin cells, called scale. Psoriasis can occur on any part of the body and is associated with other serious health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and depression.
According to the National Institutes of Health, as many as 7.5 million Americans have psoriasis.
I have lived with Psoriasis since 2000 and it hasn't been easy. I use to have it on about 90% of my body including: scalp, arms, stomach and legs. I was miserable for a long time. We didn't know what to do. Then we heard about the Photo Light Therapy treatment. My insurance covered it completely (thank God!) and this was a blessing! Within a couple of weeks I was almost 100 % clear.
Still to this day, I have it on my elbows and scalp. Bad thing about the scalp: it's super itchy and kind of flaky. Good thing: it's not visible. Bad thing about elbows: it's visible; makes me self-conscience; super itchy and flaky; irritating. Good thing: NOTHING. I have tried everything under the sun: topicals, steriods, creams. Nothing works at all. I actually tried the Humira injections and they worked great. With in one week, I was cleared! The day I woke up and didn't see anything on my elbows, I literally started crying. It was such a relief. But anyone who has Psoriasis knows that it's a chronic disease and there is no cure for it. I got off Humira because I thought my Psoriasis would stay away - but it didn't. Then I switched insurance and here I am - present day - still living with visible Psoriasis. Possible side effects of Humira is a lower immune system and contracting TB.
I am going to the Dermatologist on Thursday and hopefully will get some relief for what I have now, maybe get back on Humira. Seeing as how my wedding is in 52 days (ahhhh!!) I would like to be clear of my Psoriasis, even if it just means for the wedding day. So I will write later to let you know what my derm says.
I am writing about this to bring awareness and light to this chronic disease that 7.5 million people live with. I get asked "What's wrong with your elbows?" "What happened?" Even when I tell them I have Psoraisis, they have no idea what it is. I wantto get to a point where people KNOW about it and can even explain it to other people. Psoriasis isn't contagious, Awareness is.
Ever since I got diagnosed (it's also genetic, and my mom had it for a really long time), I am trying to do my best to educate myself and bring awareness and light to this disease. Next time, you see someone with what might look like Eczema or dry skin (even me!) ASK! And don't be scared. The more people who know about it the better. No one knows the causes or the best treatments, so the more people who know, the better.
The National Psoriasis Foundation has a challenge every day for the month of August to bring awareness. My goal is do as many as I can. I have done eight out of the 10 I can do. I will hopefully do more! Keep track here on my blog and click here to learn more!
Psoraisis isn't going to define how I live my life - I define how I live my life.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Jersey Shore = Terrible Excuse
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
My Sister has a Big Kid Job!

It's official, my sister, Marina Dreyer is the new second grade teacher at St. Augustine's Catholic School!!! We all know how hard she's worked to get where she is at and we couldn't be any prouder of her.
Monday, July 19, 2010
And The Results Are In
Click here to see the designs and for more information!
I can't even begin to express how happy and proud I am of the incredible work Chris has been doing here. What I like best about him, among many other things, is that he sets goals for himself and he accomplishes them. That says so much about a mans character and traits. I am proud to call him my future husband. Look out design world.... he's only just begun!
Many congrats to Chris and the whole 'ohana at MauiTime! Super excited to see the Best of Maui 3D issue!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Are You a Good Neighbor?
The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him."
Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."
Monday, July 5, 2010
We Left Our Hearts in......

Everyone knows how much we love living here, but we have been here almost a year, so I thought it would be appropriate to write about the things that we think about (miss) back home: