Monday, June 18, 2012

Run for Your Mind, Body And Soul

Project 36Smile!

Wednesday found me running 4 miles in 27 mins! I normally don't put a time limit on my runs, which you shouldn't really do unless you're training for a marathon. I just run for mind, body and spirit. I do it to keep me healthy mentally, emotionally and physically. And it's the best feeling ever. I recommend that for anyone starting a running program to anyone who wants to start a healthy lifestyle. Just run for yourself, and everything else will fall into place.

Read my Thursday Fashion Find Here.

After almost a year of living here, I am still continuing to make great networking connections. A lot of it has to do with the power of Twitter, and of course some mutual friends. Friday, I had the pleasure of meeting Jennifer Murrow and Heather Harrington of Julep Nails. Thanks so much for the great meeting. I am beyond excited about this connection! 

If you don't know about Julep Nails, you must find out now. It's hard not to be excited about an environmentally-friendly and HEALTHY nail parlor where you and your girlfriends can relax the stresses away. Their Powered by Girlfriends program is so exciting because it's a female owned and operated company which continues to pay it forward by donating $1 of every Julep Nail Vernis to organizations that empower women. Sign me up!

36Smile! is blog where Sabrina will be writing about, sharing memories, anecdotes and much more that make her smile 365 days of this year! Too often, we are wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of this crazy little thing called life. We should take time out to enjoy the little things that make us smile and celebrate it! The "S" in 36Smile resembles the "5" in 365 days a year. 

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